My god I'm terrible at these.
Let's see updates
School: Done, failed like every class I hated, or just didn't get, and have yet to decide if I want to go back and finish it. I'm leaning more towards I should, as I have an unfinished void that I hate having until something is done. I also don't like that I was this close to being done, but never got there.
I'm now thinking about going back for Interior Design, a program I've always been interested in, but for some reason always put on the back burner.
It's damn hard to find a program that's near by, part time, and not 3 or 4 years long too gees.
I'm also looking into taking a general interest course in photography. Learn different techniques, angles, anything else anyone's willing too teach me.
Work: Still pursuing music. I've been making more connections and I think I might have more in the future, but I don't seem to be meeting the right people. I'm starting to give up. Every now and then I get this impulsive urge to look up and apply to every label I can find, but then bring myself back to earth and think no, 'cause you're not going to hear back from anyone, so it's a waste of time.
Starting to get frustrated with it though........... come on already
Life: Life in general has been pretty good. Can't say I've done a whole lot, but I have done alot in general and that to me is fine. There is definitely way more that I would like to do, like skydiving. I REALLY want to go soooooo bad. I've been looking into it and looking into different places, doing some research, etc, so we'll see. I also REALLY want to travel. I haven't gone anywhere for awhile, and am itching to move. There are some options that I am looking into. One being a swap to the South Pacific. I have always wanted to go to Australia and the swap for the South Pacific looks amazing. Figured I'd stop in Cali on my way over, as that is another place I've always wanted to go.
Hobbies: Still music as always that will never change and right now even with all the downloading (which I'm embarrassed to admit I have become a victim to) I think is a good and bad thing. Good in the fact that bands have it waaay easier to get recognition and publicity, therefore actually getting a record deal and making a career, but bad for the fact that people are essentially stealing music and both bands and labels are losing money, therefore making the music industry in general go down the drain. So it's kind of a catch 22 for upcoming bands, because yes they get the recognition and publicity, etc. but they also can lose a lot of money and its a lot harder to sell those albums, because everybody wants that one song. Anyways, photography is another hobby that is becoming more prominent. I've always been interested in it, just ask my parents when I was younger I remember my dad having this nice camera and him standing there saying get in the picture and me running to him and saying no I want to take the picture.
Summer: This summer was pretty laid back compared to last summer. There was only a couple concerts, no wakestock, and no warped tour. Now that being said it was still fun. Random wake up calls to a friend freaking out, because he needed something that was 2 hours away, random road trips, a trip to a cottage where I finally ended up in Wasaga (thumbs up,) sporting events, random walks to random places, the reunion of a band I never thought would happen, festivals I always wanted to go to, but never got there before, climbing a mountain, making new friends, deepening existing ones, and of course the beach :D
Thought of the day: Talking to some people and a question came up that nobody seemed to be able to answer: What is considered mainstream music?