I've decided I'm not good at these and I'm not going to try and say I am, but yay for an update :o)
I also finally saw Hedley for the first time in concert. I don't know why I haven't seen them before, but it was a good show. We went twice back to back and the second time was just as good as the first one.
Hoping to get to a TFC game or 2 this year. My brother owes me from last year ha ha. I would love to go to a baseball game this year too. I haven't been in soooo long.
These, as well as the one at the top, were taken just after winter, when the snow was preeeeeeetty much all gone, but not quite. It was damn cold and I couldn't feel my hands by the time I got back to the car. I had planned on going for a walk and it turned out to be quite the hike. Even though it's a lot warmer now, it still reminds me that summer's not quite here just yet :o)

So here it goes.
School: I have decided that I am giving myself this year to get a job doing what I want and if that doesn't happen, I'm going back to school to finish what I started, and get a job doing that. I hate it with as much passion as I have love for music, but that's the way life is and it's a job. After 7 years of trying to get the job I want or at least a foot in the door, I figure 6 more months won't hurt, but that's enough. If after 7 years I can't get a job, then that means I need to figure something else out. I'm pissed off beyond belief, but whatever, life's never fair right?
I was looking into other courses and there doesn't seem to be anything that fits with my schedule. I need to work ha ha. Everything I was interested in is full time and some being 3 or 4 years long, or some that after I'm done I have to go on for my masters if I really want to do something with it. I am looking at some part - time / night school / general interest courses, so we'll see where that goes, I guess.
I was looking into other courses and there doesn't seem to be anything that fits with my schedule. I need to work ha ha. Everything I was interested in is full time and some being 3 or 4 years long, or some that after I'm done I have to go on for my masters if I really want to do something with it. I am looking at some part - time / night school / general interest courses, so we'll see where that goes, I guess.
Work: Meh, still at the same place, doing the same thing. Still pursuing music. I pretty much touched on this earlier, in the fact that I'm giving myself this year. I've made more contacts and done more research. It seems like either jobs are popping up more now or I just am able to find them easier. I think between, facebook, myspace, twitter, and other social networks, it's easier to connect with people, and companies know this. I have definitely applied to the jobs that I have seen and once unpacked am going to do what I said I was going to and go through all my books, see what's what and apply to what I'm qualified or interested in doing.
Life: Life ha ha, oh life. It's busy, stressful, fun, sad, happy, great, exciting, maddening and so many other emotions.
I moved...... my landlord went psychotic, surprise, yet another one. The last one was just mentally unstable psychotic, this one was just an idiot. It got pretty bad near the end to the point that we ended up in court. Anyways, so we are now moved into a building (not in the best area) hoping that things are more legal and better. The day we moved was a complete disaster, we were up for 40 hours straight after having worked all day, we then called to get our keys and while signing the lease, we saw some things that had some major red flags, and by the time we got our keys the movers had showed up and we ended up making them wait for an hour. We finally got our stuff in around 8 ish and went back to the old place to pay the movers and eat when we got a text saying "you were supposed to be moved out of MY house at 12 pm today. I'm throwing your stuff out." That's the kind of psychotics we had to deal with and of course her dad sitting in the driveway staring at us for hours not saying anything, even when you smile or say hi.
I went to Montreal to visit a friend that had gone there for school. I had never been there and that was somewhere that I had wanted to go for awhile. It's an interesting place and old an one. We ended up going the wrong way when we thought we were going home, ended up in a shady area and then of course it started raining, ha ha good times.
Met some really cool people late last year / beginning of this year and reconnected with some old ones that I hadn't talked to for awhile.
Finally made it to a concert that has been on my list of bands to see for like 5 years now, SILVERSTEIN, yay. http://www.myspace.com/silverstein It was a 10 year anniversary show. One of the bands that I met late last year opened for them, which was super cool. The Artist Life check them out when you get a chance. Great band and great people. http://www.myspace.com/theartistlife
I also finally saw Hedley for the first time in concert. I don't know why I haven't seen them before, but it was a good show. We went twice back to back and the second time was just as good as the first one.

Finally going somewhere ha ha. I've been itching to travel and decided on New York. It's not far, but it's somewhere I've always wanted to go and never been. I have a friend that's there right now and he said it's just an amazing city with so much to see and do. Pretty excited to go and take pictures of a place that's not Toronto or anywhere around it. Especially excited to take pictures of all the lights!!!! Stereos are doing a show there and I'm pretty much in love with them :D Side note: a friend of mine is working for them, so extremely proud of him :D Check them out when you get the chance too. Only one of the biggest bands in Canada, no big deal. http://www.myspace.com/stereos
I do have some big plans for next year however. I haven't even started planning yet, though I have asked about some info. It's still a ways off and still looking into it, but stay tuned, see what happens. Though sadly it probably won't be posted here ha ha Facebook ftw.
I also just found out that one of my friends got me a concert ticket to a show I wanted to go to, but wasn't sure how I was going to get there. Bamboozle, yay. There is a band on there that is on my list of bands to see, so we are getting down this list, which is good.
Went to London about a month ago for a friends birthday. Not London, England unfortunately, but it was still fun, minus the all ages club we ended up at after....... I still don't know how I feel about that..... On our way home I made a wrong turn (if you're in the car with me, it's going to happen everyone knows this. It's that or almost hitting something, both of which usually happen anyways) and we ended up finding a really nice park. That's the one good thing about making wrong turns, as long as you have gas and know for the most part where you need to go, then there's always something interesting to be found.
I went for a drive the other day. Found an apt building that I fell in love with. I tried taking a picture of it as it was a skyscraper on top of a college and near the top was this ginormous patio with 3 guys standing by the railing watching the world go by. However, cameras on phones suck for pictures especially when you are driving.
Wakestock is going to be in Collingwood again this year, I don't know why, such a pain ha ha Looking into renting a cottage or maybe we can rent a trailer and camp out for a couple days while there. I loooooove Wakestock, possibly the best thing that ever happened to the music and sporting world. HOWEVER, last year was quite the story, but a long one, the short version is I didn't really make it :o(
Looking more into the South Pacific swap and I still would love to do that, but not right now. I just love this city too much to leave and I have too many connections and things going on right now that it's not the right time.
Me and a friend were thinking about hopping on a tour this summer and helping out for a couple weeks. Figured it'd be cool to spend a couple weeks helping out, travelling, making new contacts, see if it's something we actually want to do. So if anyone knows anyone, holler :o)
Hobbies: My hobbies are still the same ha ha I don't think those are ever going to change. Photography is my biggest past time.I take pictures of everything and realized I see things others don't. I have this great view at work that because I'm there can't get pictures of, but I always see these amazing sunsets and their is always great light in the morning. Talking to a co worker, it was early in the morning and I looked out and saw this great light that wasn't too bright and it was kinda dull, but it was snowing a really light snow, i just wish I could have gotten a picture. It was the perfect scene for a Christmas card, or the background to someone in the front licking the snow off their gloves.
Hoping to get to a TFC game or 2 this year. My brother owes me from last year ha ha. I would love to go to a baseball game this year too. I haven't been in soooo long.
Summer: Summer is pretty much covered in the above ha Concerts, travelling, pictures, etc
It's the long weekend and I love it. It reminds me that summer is right around the corner, cottages, the beach, and campfires. I love summer, so much is going on and people are way happier. Though I can't complain, this winter wasn't bad at all, and I love snowboarding. Of course this year I got snow tires and didn't need them. I never get them and then the one year I do.........
It's definitely going to be a busy summer and I'm looking forward to it :D
I'm attaching a couple pictures of a huge botanical garden that's near my house that I always go to, to get pictures. It never gets old; I always find a new area that I like.
I was playing around with the lighting and loved how it was coming through the trees.
These, as well as the one at the top, were taken just after winter, when the snow was preeeeeeetty much all gone, but not quite. It was damn cold and I couldn't feel my hands by the time I got back to the car. I had planned on going for a walk and it turned out to be quite the hike. Even though it's a lot warmer now, it still reminds me that summer's not quite here just yet :o)